Monday, June 16, 2014

I assume you're on my page cause you know me, would like to know me, find me interesting lol, or just nosey. This post is sneak peek to my Special Lifeday. Some may already know but most of  don't. On June 19th, 2006 life as I knew it changed. I would've never known that I could have a stroke at such a young age. I always say it was a blessing in disguise. God was trying to get my attention and move me in a different direction to heal me. However at the time I didn't see it as that. I learned who my true friends were by losing a lot (I'm so grateful for the ones who were by my side in the hospital and during my recovery).  I lost almost everything. I had limited mobility on the left side of my body. This all led to a major depression. 

Despite how I felt God was working on me. I was given the opportunity to relocate to Miami. I only knew two people at the time. It was not an easy transition. Though I was feeling better healthwise I was lonelier than I've ever been in my entire life. God continue to work on me. Still in the depression, I distance myself from the people that love me but were far away. Missing them hurt me. I've never been one to talk on the phone much so not be able to see them was difficult. So to avoid the pain I kept myself extremely busy,  as I always do. Before I knew it one day turned into week, which turned into a month and that turned into a year. Then all of a sudden many years pass by without speaking with them. At the time I didn't realize that to was also a form of depression, I don't want to bother people or even worry them with what I was going through. I had made a decision in my heart that I rather be able to live life by relocating then be a vegetable (with limited mobility) where I was comfortable. I know God was working on me and I knew this was where I needed to be. But I didn't know why nor could I explain it. People couldn't understand my decision and the vision God gave me because it wasn't given to them. Out of love and concern they would try to talk me out what God was telling me to do. I know my distancing myself hurt them and it was never intentionally. Same understood and continued to loved me anyway but others didn't. I still pray for forgiveness and hope one day they understand because it was never deliberate to hurt them. 

After a few years God blessed me with a support system and family who adopted and supported me in my growth. They taught me a lot of lessons especially how to love without conditions cause that's all I was used to. I felt that people only love me for what I could do or what I give them. They taught me that I can be love just for being me. I became less of a people pleaser and more focused on pleasing God.  I also learned how to love myself. Most of the lessons were not all joyful, I definitely went through a lot of tests and trials through the years. But I will forever be grateful. I'm far from where I need to be but I've come a long way. I've had a few scares because live with migraines due to low air pressure but for the most part I've been healthy. I'm sharing this because I hope it can bless someone. Only a handful of people knew what happened out of fear of being treated differently. But I'm opening up about it so I can encourage someone who may be discouraged or going through something or even maybe depressed. God is always in control despite how do you may feel at the current time or what your situation looks like. So I celebrate June 19th as my Lifeday. I was born on Dec 27th but on June 19th I was given yet another chance at life. Therefore I celebrate the blessing every year. Don't take yours for granted!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Prayer changes things. We may not ever understand why things happen the way they do, but regardless of how they may look you have to continue to trust God. Let's continue to pray that these girls are returned safely. And not just in #Nigeria but all around the world. According to today's #USAToday "The Nigerian government knows where nearly 300 abducted schoolgirls are being held by Islamic extremists but is incapable of using force to rescue them, the country's defense chief said Monday."

#BringBackOurGirls #BringOurGirlsBack

Friday, January 31, 2014

Picture courtesy of @limitless_vmf on Instagram

Adoch's Thought Of the Day: Good Morning... I didn't even know where to begin, so I slept on it. It's unfortunate that the world these days is filled with so much negativity that when someone comes around with a kind and loving heart, we are quick to question their motives and intentions. We all do it to some degree, just some of us are more jaded than others. For example, we meet a nice man and we may think all he want it to play us or get "some", fellas you meet a nice female and you may think all she wants is my money or to use me, or you meet a new person and we may think, this person is too good to be true, so they are up to no good. We are trained by the media or society to think negative first. We then put up walls and a person has to prove themselves before we let them in. Not realizing this is what we call "playing games" and causes chain reaction. We end up putting people through unnecessary tests and trials, even when they have proved themselves. We may also compare them to the last person and unintentionally we end up hurting them or hurting our self, by the time we really realize who they really are. Usually at this point it to late. Once a loving heart gets hurt or tired, it hard for them to show the love as freely as they would have before. The damage is done, the seed has been planted. Have you ever thought how your own actions or reactions contribute to how others treat you? If we expect bad, we will get bad. If we expect good, we will receive good. Even if we don't, we have to challenge ourselves to see the good in every situation and take the learning lesson as a blessing in disguise. Some people are just loving enough to do good anyway, despite being hurt a million times. They realize people need more love and they look at every experience as a blessing, not only to others but most importantly to God. I am my "Brothers Keeper" and though I've been hurt many times and hurt others by my actions, I choose to walk in love, strive to grow daily and forgive others and most importantly myself. I choose to continue to believe everything happens for a reason. If someone is in my life for a reason, season or lifetime, then they are supposed to be there. Whether it be to teach me something or vise versa. I will love them for the individual that they are without any expectations of negativity. I'm not saying the world is a perfect place and everyone in it is good. I am saying I'm responsible for my own actions. If they do choose to intentionally hurt me, I know God has my back. 

#NotSoRandomThoughts #LovingWithoutConditions #Growth #TryingToImprove #OpeningUp #ItsLongButItsHealing #BeABlessing #LivingTheLessonsIveLearned #FeelFreeToUnfollow #Transfomation2014

Adoch's Walk with God Through Central Park

One Sunday in October 2013 I found myself on a walk through Central Park. The whole experience was very random and unexpected. I have no plans of going there that day.  I have been asking a friend all week to go with me, but for some reason we couldn't make it happen. I ended up getting lost for two hours but somehow found myself. It was truly a spiritual experience. It was the spiritual healing I needed. In the beauty of nature, I was able to see God and hear from Him.  I was filled with so much emotion, so much love and so much peace all at the same time. As I went through this journey trying to capture the moment with my iPhone, I was listening to Joshua Mills' Spirit Spa Album, which I believe took me to another level of peace.  In the middle of the park after walking for about an hour, I knew that's exactly where I was supposed to be. I also know I was supposed to experience it on my own with no distractions. God wanted to walk with me. It's interesting that most of my most memorable moment I've experienced alone. Or at least what I thought was alone.

I hope this video blesses you as it continues to bless me. I also hope one day you will be able to experience a "Walk with God"

Side Note: I did not even walk through half of the park... I can't wait till spring to continue my journey through Central Park.

Picture courtesy of @spiritualword

Adoch's Thought of the Night...  This is why I will continue to show love and support to others. There is room in this world for everyone. There are millions of people who can do what I do. A lot of them may be better and more experienced, but there is only one me. I give my all in every situation and do my best to make others life easier. Why should I hate on someone who is in the same profession, is more beautiful than I am, or resembles me/get compared to? (This list could go on but I'm sure you get the point.) That's not who I am... There are a lot of my peers who I admire and have learned a lot from. I'm not ashamed to express it or give them their credit. I choose to offer my love, support and even share my opportunities with others. I am going to walk in love even if others don't choose to do the same. One thing I know for sure is what's for me is for me and if it's not, I'll be happy for who it's for. I'm far from perfect but some in some area are better than other areas. This just happens to me that one! 

#NotSoRandomThought #LovingWithoutConditions #Growth #TryingToImprove #ThinkAboutIt #LivingTheLessonsIveLearned #FeelFreeToUnfollow

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adoch's Thought Of The Day: If a person is down or going through a rough time, assist them by encouraging, offering help and/or lifting them up in prayer. 

Imposing your opinion at that particular time will not help the situation. The person is already going through something. They need someone by their side to help them feel like they are not alone or defected; someone to help lift them up. So don't add to their stress by stating the "you should've/could've, or I would've's" chances are they already know that by that point, therefore it doesn't help the current situation. Instead be the love, support and kindness they desire. You could be the blessing they need. 

#ThinkAboutIt #BeABlessing #NotSoRandomThought #LovingWithoutConditions #Growth #TryingToImprove #ThinkAboutIt #LivingTheLessonsIveLearned

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#Repost from @SpiritualWord Instagram page.

Adoch's Thought Of The Day: As I mature I continue to learn that my attitude towards a situation determines the duration and outcome. It's similar to getting needles from the doctor. Doctors tell you to relax and breath for multiple reasons. Some even tell you to count to 10. The reasons for this are: 

(1) If I tense up I can end up getting hurt or hurting myself
(2) It can complicate the simple procedure 
(3) It will take longer for the medicine to administer and/or the body may reject it. 
(4) Lastly the counting to 10 is not only A distraction mechanism but to prove that the discomfort is only for a limited time.

 This is the same with life's challenges. If I tease up and have a negative attitude it will take longer to "grow" through the situation I'm facing. Not to mention my attitude can complicate the situation by making it harder or pushing away the people who are "assigned" to help. This ends up making the situation last longer than it really should because I end up having more lessons to learn. I trust that God is in control and that all things work together for the good for who love Him. I have to face the challenge knowing that it won't last forever.  It's definitely easier said than done but it gets easier with practice. I'm determined to "grow" through what I'm "going" through. 

(Disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR EVEN STUDIED MEDICINE, however I have had my share of needles and doctors.) 

#RandomThoughts #LovingWithoutConditions #Growth #TryingToImprove #OpeningUp #ItsLongButItsHealing #LivingTheLessonsIveLearned #FeelFreeToUnfollow #Repost  #Transfomation2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Monday!

Adoch's Thought Of The Day: I thank God for another day and another week. It's a blessing to know God is working on me. I didn't realize how much healing I needed, and I feel God's hand moving in my life. The best way to describe what I'm "growing" through is like this: if your ever had a broken bone that didn't get the proper care or just healed incorrectly, the doctor sometimes has to reset it my breaking it again. God is breaking me in order to get my breakthrough and I need to trust God more than I've ever trusted Him to get through it with the least amount of discomfort. This process requires obedience, action, trust, patience and love. You may ask, how do I know? I am learning to be in tune with what God wants me to do. One thing I have noticed and maybe because I've prayed so much for it is God always sends confirmation and it comes from the most unlikely places at the most random times. I just have to keep the lines of communication open and clear. Now there are times that I don't hear from Him and I'm left not knowing what to do. But that to me is my testing time. To either see if I'm growing or to see if I  trust that it will work out because God is in control. This is far from easy and it won't make sense to some, but I've chosen to share my experience out of obedience. If it helps only one person then I'm happy that God has used me. However If it's only for me then I'm blessed to see my own growth. I'm far from fixed but I feel like I'm healing beautifully. #RandomThoughts #LovingWithoutConditions #Growth #TryingToImprove #OpeningUp #ItsLongButItsHealing #LivingTheLessonsIveLearned #FeelFreeToUnfollow #Transfomation2014 #FarFromPerfect

Thursday, March 10, 2011


The bible says in Habakkuk 2:2-3 to write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

God has great plans for his men and women that they really have no idea of. No one has talked to them about it or heard anything about it, but it is a revelation waiting to be revealed in the future. This vision will be so great and awesome until the very thought of it will seem to good to be true. It is a God vision and anything other than this vision that is pursued after will only continue to keep one feeling unfulfilled until it is reached.

The story of Abraham offering up his son in Genesis chapter 22 was a type and shadow of things that were to come under the "dispensation of grace" Isaac, who was to be offered up as a sacrifice was a type of Christ who was offered up as a perfect sinless sacrifice. This total vision that was to come to pass in the future was played out in detail by Abraham and his son Isaac under God's direction. Every vision God gives places the responsibility on him to provide for the vision, preserve and protect the vision. When I speak of vision, I am talking about a future event that is the will of God for an individual; it is similar to what a parent questions their child about as it relates to their future. What is your dream? what do you want to do? What do you want to be? It is a predetermined event that is destined to happen in the life of the individual as long as they walk in obedience to Gods commands. Abraham started the process to his provision for his vision by obeying God. God tells him to take his son whom he loved and go to Mount Moriah to offer him as a sacrifice. The walk from beer-sheba to Mount Mariah was between 50 to 60 miles on foot and Abraham and his son arrived in three days. The start until the destination of a vision is a journey that one must venture into allowing the Lord to order one's steps (Psalm 37).

And they came to the place which God had told him of (Genesis 22:9)
As a person continues to walk in obedience to God and his word, there is a place where one will end up where things will begin to unfold at the right time because God is always a God of timing. At this place Abraham built an altar, laid the wood in order, bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar upon the wood, stretched forth his hand and took the knife. Abraham went through one of the hardest moments of his life, but his faith was only being tested because at the beginning of this story, the bible says that God was testing Abraham. For those who would say that this was a cruel and evil test...James chapter one says that God cannot be tempted with evil NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY we find 1 Corinthians 10:13 in action where it says God is faithful who will not suffer one to be tempted (tested tried) above that which they are able, but will with the temptation make a way of escape (provision) that they may be able to bear it. During one's journey toward their vision there will be a place in one's life that will seem very hard to bear, but one must continue to persevere through obedience knowing that God has provision for the vision.

Abraham was an old man when he offered up Isaac, and his son Isaac was a strong young man who could have resisted his father, but he submitted to the will of his father just as in the broader sense Jesus submitted to the will of his father "God". Jesus said not my will, but thine be done while he was in the garden of Gethsemene. Before provision comes for one's vision, one must submit to the will of God the father even when you don't understand his plan for your life. He promises in Philippians 4:19 that he will supply our every need (provision) according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Isaac had unanswered questions, but he submitted to the will of Abraham regardless. He asks Abraham where is the lamb for a burnt offering? and Abraham never gives an answer, he simply says God will PROVIDE himself a lamb for a burnt offering (Genesis 22:7-8). Yes...provision for the vision comes when there is submission for the vision. We tend in todays society to not submit until we have all the answers, but knowing in advance is not faith, for faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)


A word spoken in due season, how good it is! (Proverbs)

Our vision will have moments of emergency when we will need the provision of God's word and direction to guide us in the event that we get out of the will of God. The will of God had changed within a moments notice concerning Abraham and his son Isaac. Had Abraham continued to bring the knife down upon his son, he would have been out of the will of God and would have become a murderer and Isaac a victim. How many people have walked in obedience, but were not able to switch in a moments notice when God said to, because of tradition (Tradition says this is the way it has always been) and a host of other reasons. When the angel of the Lord called out to Abraham, it was a word spoken in due season and how good it was for Abraham and his son.


Abraham found provision for his vision and called the name of the place where he was...Jehovah-jireh, which means the Lord will provide. God will always flip the bill and provide for his vision that he gives his people, it is simply up to them to follow the biblical blueprint laid out in his word. Many people know God will provide, but they have problems believing that he will provide for them, so the name Jehovah-jireh is also personal...The Lord MY provider.

***Courtesy of***

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Handbook 2011

Sweet Bee’s thought of the Day: As I was browsing I saw a note titled Handbook 2011” and it caught my attention. I opened the note but it seemed to be missing some information, so I did a little more research and found a full version on another blog. I wish I wrote it myself because it is exactly how I feel. I made a few alterations to suit my life but not many at all. I hope it enlightens you as it did me. Wishing you the best in 2011.


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.
5. Pray often throughout the day.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2010...
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don’t overdo. Keep your limits.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will… Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:
40. Share this to everyone you care about, I just did.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lauryn Hill Speech


Lauryn Hill is one of the all time favorite artist of all time. This speech, even though it was in 2000, its still relevant today. She speaks a lot of truth. At times it's hard to practice what you preach. I know she speaks of learning/studing and mastership; I can't wait for her to get to the top of the hill... She is missed dearly in the industry. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sweet Bee's Thought of the day...

I will not apologize for who I am because I know I am a work in progress. I will however apologize for my actions and words that may have hurt you; for they were not intentional. What I do does not define who I am. I praise God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are His works; my soul knows it very well (Ps. 139:14). So help me grow or step aside because God knows my heart and knows what He's doing with me!!!!. #ITRUSTGOD

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"The Road To Hell Is Paved By Good Intentions…"

Sweet Bee's thought of the day:   
The Road To Hell Is Paved By Good Intentions…”

We get annoyed and disappointed when people don't keep their word but we don't realize that we are all guilty of the same offense. How many times have you said I'll call you back? Or I'm here if you need me? Or if you need anything at all let me know? 8 times out of 10 you didn't follow through on even the simplest promise; not because we didn’t want to but because life happens. We fail to realize that it may not be as important to ourselves but to the other person it may mean the world, It may even be a matter of life and death. I heard the quote "the road to hell is paved by good intentions" and this is so true. We set out intending to do well for ourselves and other but our actions or lack of at times end up hurting more than helping. Expectation plays a big part in it. We expect people to keep their word. We expect them to treat us well but we fail to realize that they may be doing the best they can. Even the saying “treat others as you would treat yourself” has lost validity because not many people know how to love or treat themselves well. Something to think about!!!

"Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law." ~Romans 13:8

Monday, November 15, 2010

"The Five Languages of Apology" by Gary Chapman & Jennifer Thomas

Good Morning all,

This is a follow-up to my blog-post on The Five Love Languages by New York Times best-selling author Gary Chapman. I have not read this book as of yet but plan to in the very near future (like this week). I found this summary to be very enlightening so I wanted to share it with you.

Hope you have a blessed week.


We are experts at wronging each other, but when it comes to setting things right, we all could use some help. New York Times best-selling author Gary Chapman teams with counselor Jennifer Thomas in an eye-opening study of one of the most important yet least understood pillars of human relationships: the apology. Surprisingly, saying “I’m sorry,” isn’t primarily a matter of will—it’s a matter of how.

Expressing Regret
“Expressing Regret” is the Apology Language that zeroes in on emotional hurt. It is an admission of guilt and shame for causing pain to another person. For those who listen for “Expressing Regret” apologies, a simple “I’m sorry” is all they look for. There is no need for explanation or “pay back” provided the apology has truly come from the heart. “Expressing Regret” is a powerful Apology Language because it gets right to the point. It doesn’t make excuses or attempt to deflect blame. Above all, “Expressing Regret” takes ownership of the wrong. For that reason, “Expressing Regret” is understood as a sincere commitment to repair and rebuild the relationship. The “Expressing Regret” Apology Language speaks most clearly when the person offering the apology reflects sincerity not only verbally, but also through body language. Unflinching eye contact and a gentle, but firm touch are two ways that body language can underscore sincerity.

Accept Responsibility
It is very difficult for some people to admit that they’re wrong. It makes them doubt their self-worth, and no one likes to be portrayed as a failure. However, as adults, we must all admit that we are sinners and that we will make mistakes. We are going to make poor decisions that hurt our mates, and we are going to have to admit that we were wrong. We have to accept responsibility for our own failures. For many individuals, all they want is to hear the words, “I am wrong.” If the apology neglects accepting responsibility for their actions, many partners will not feel as though the apology was meaningful and sincere. Many partners need to learn how to overcome their ego, the desire to not be viewed as a failure, and simply admit that their actions were wrong. For a mate who speaks this apology language, if an apology does not admit fault, it is not worth hearing. Being sincere in your apology means allowing yourself to be weak, and admitting that you make mistakes. Though this may be hard to do for some people, it makes a world of a difference to your partner who speaks this language.

Make Restitution
In our society, many people believe that wrong acts demand justice. The one who commits the crime should pay for their wrongdoing. A mate who speaks this love language feels the same way towards apologies. They believe that in order to be sincere, the person who is apologizing should justify their actions. The mate who’s been hurt simply wants to hear that their mate still loves them.

There are many effective ways to demonstrate sincerity in an apology. Each mate must learn the other’s love language in order to complete the act of restitution. Though some mates may feel a though all is forgotten with a bouquet of flowers, that may not necessarily work for all mates. Every mate should uncover what their partner’s main love language is (Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts) and use that specific language in order to make restitutions in the most effective way.

For a mate whose primary apology language is making restitutions, no matter how often you say “I’m sorry”, or “I was wrong”, your mate will never find the apology sincere. You must show strong efforts for making amends. A genuine apology will be accompanied by the assurance that you still love your mate and have a desire to right the wrong-doings committed.

Genuinely Repent
For some individuals, repentance is the convincing factor in an apology. Some mates will doubt the sincerity of an apology if it is not accompanied by their partner’s desire to modify their behavior to avoid the situation in the future.

It’s important to remember that all true repentance begins in the heart. A mate must feel poorly for hurting their loved one, and rely on God’s help in order to truly change. Admitting you are wrong creates vulnerability. It allows your mate to get a glimpse of your heart. The glimpse of true self is assurance that the apology was sincere.

One important aspect of genuinely repenting is verbalizing your desire to change. Your mate cannot read your mind. Though you may be trying to change inside, if you do not verbalize your desire to change to your mate, most likely they will still be hurt.

Many people have problems with repenting when they do not feel as though their actions were morally wrong. However, in a healthy relationship, we often make changes that have nothing to do with morality and everything to do with building a harmonious marriage.

It is also important to make a dedicated plan for change. Often apologies involving repentance fail because the person never set up steps of action to help ensure success. A person must first set goals for their change. After you create realistic goals, then you can start implementing a plan to change. Taking baby steps towards repentance instead of insisting on changing all at once will increase your chances of successfully changing your ways.

It is important to remember that change is hard. Constructive change does not mean we will immediately be successful. There will be highs and lows on the road to change. You must remember that with God’s help, anyone can change their ways if they are truly and genuinely ready to repent.

Request Forgiveness
In some relationships, a mate wants to hear their partner physically ask for forgiveness. They want assurance that their mate recognizes the need for forgiveness. By asking forgiveness for their actions, a partner is really asking their mate to still love them. Requesting forgiveness assures your mate that you want to see the relationship fully restored. It also proves to your mate that you are sincerely sorry for what you’ve done. It shows that you realize you’ve done something wrong. Requesting forgiveness also shows that you are willing to put the future of the relationship in the hands of the offended mate. You are leaving the final decision up to your partner – to forgive or not forgive.

Requesting forgiveness is not easy. It often leaves one vulnerable to the fear of rejection. Along with the fear of rejection is the fear of failing. Many people have a hard time seeking forgiveness because it means admitting that you have failed. The only way to overcome this fear is to recognize that it is very common amongst mankind. The commonality makes it okay to be a failure. It allows a stubborn mate to apologize to their partner and become a healthy individual.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that there is a difference between asking for forgiveness and DEMANDING forgiveness. When we demand forgiveness, we tend to forget the nature of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice the offended party is supposed to make. Demanding forgiveness takes away the sincerity of asking for it.

Remember not to treat forgiveness lightly. It is something to be cherished and appreciated. The act of forgiveness is hard on both ends – for the person who’s asking and for the person who’s accepting.

Friday, November 12, 2010

God Show Me Me And Fix Me!!!!

Circumstances such as being a burden and being abandoned have made me have to rely solely on God and myself. I never looked at it as pride I looked at it as I know I can count on me. People posing as "friends" to get what they can out of me, then when I need them they turn their backs on me. Empty promises from those I held dear to me. People talk a great talk but few actually are selfless. So I let their walk be their conversation but I often get hurt on the journey. Conditional love is what they give me, as long as it is convenient for them. I find myself asking God is it me, something I did or said. I may not have a lot but I give everything I can and have because I am my brother's keeper and I live to give. I love hard because of Who is in me and the love, mercy and forgiveness He gives daily. So I am able to give it to others. At the same time, I don't feel worthy to be loved. I don't know how to receive love. Never have. It is also difficult for me to receive acknowledgment of good works. It is extremely hard for me to hear a compliment.  Because of all this, I often push people away when they get too close, because I feel there is a limit to the love they have for me. As soon as things are not going their way, they are out of my life. My name is Sweet Bee and I have a problem asking for help and receiving love. I am a work in progress and trying to be Perfect as my father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Please pray for me. I just became transparent!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Don't let limitation get the best of you!

Thank you to all those that have inquired and have been interceding in pray for me. I know this battle is not mine and is a sign that I must be doing something right. Those who know the power of pray please pray my strength, as I am praying for you.

I haven't written in a while, been going through some trials but will not be moved by what is around me. I hope this article enlightens you. Please give me feedback on what you think. It will be posted on my blog-site later tonight. Feel free to share it with others.

Don't forget to be a blessing to others around you and let your walk be your conversation. Words are empty without actions and at the end of the day, your words are all you got. Be accountable for your actions because you never know who is depending on you for the simplest thing.

Stay Blessed

Love always



Don't let limitation get the best of you.

We have all had times when we are slowed down or stopped. For example being stuck in traffic, being sick, lack of money, the one we like doesn't want to be with us... you get the point. One time or another we have been on a path and something came up and stopped or slowed us down. We then get frustrated, hurt, annoyed or even irritated. We know we are doing everything we can but it just doesn't work out the way we want it to.

What we need to realize is that everything happens for a reason. We should count our blessings because it did not go the way we wanted it to go. Sometimes we pray and ask for things that are just not good for us in the long run. We get frustrated being stuck in traffic cause we are running late but don't realize that God is saving us from something else. We get upset that we lost our job but not thinking that we are not supposed to be there or something better is coming along. We get hurt that she/he doesn't want to be with us but not realizing that that person is not meant for us in the first place. What is going to be will be, our purpose or plan has already been ordered by God. What is meant for us will be ours. It doesn't matter how late we are (not saying be late on purpose) or how hard we try to keep something if it is not for us there is nothing we can do about it. Once we have done all we can, we have to leave the rest to God so he can do the rest.

Our attitudes in our trials will determine how long we stay down. Instead of looking at it as "I hate traffic; these people can't drive" or whether else we may say/think, thank God for whatever it is that is going on. Know that He is preventing something from happening to us. Thank Him for the fact that we can get your rest when you’re sick and use that time to do things we are too busy to do on a regular (like meditate on his word). When your money is real tight that we can’t even see it, we should thank Him for all the other blessings we have. At times we forget to see the many blessings we have because we are focused on what we don't have. Also sometimes He limits our financial blessings because we may not be using it wisely. We are blessing people that He never asked us to bless or not blessing the ones He asked us to. Or even blessing others with the wrong intention. Never-the-less God will never let us go without what we need. Humble yourself and see who and what is around you that may be stopping your blessings. Know that all blessings come from God; even of it is th
rough someone else, it still comes from God. Philippians 4:19 reads "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Psalm 121

 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
 2 My help comes from the LORD,
       the Maker of heaven and earth.
 3 He will not let your foot slip—
       he who watches over you will not slumber;
 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
       will neither slumber nor sleep.
 5 The LORD watches over you—
       the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
 6 the sun will not harm you by day,
       nor the moon by night.
 7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
       he will watch over your life;
 8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
       both now and forevermore.
